当前位置:库网分类目录 » 搜索结果 » 深圳市嘉恒宝防静电制品有限公司

深圳市嘉恒宝防静电制品有限公司是从事防静电及无尘系列产品,开发及销售的专业公司。公司自成立以来在行业树立了良好的企业形象,已经为多家国际杰出高科技跨国公司提供了上等服务。公司的产品结构随着近几年业务的不断膨胀而迅速调整并不断扩大。公司凭着雄厚的技术力量,上乘的品质,已经为众多国际品牌高科技电子企业提供了上等的服务。如:PHILIPS,STMICR- OELECTRONICS,JDS/E-TECH,MSL,MOT-OROLA,ACER等,目前公司成立以下部门负责不同产品的销售: 1、防静电工程事业部:负责防静电地板工程的生产,销售及施工安装。防静电接地工程的设计及施工安装 2、防静电塑胶五金制品事业部:负责防静电周转箱,防静电托盘,防静电元件盒,防静电SMT上下料架,防静电折叠箱,防静电椅,防静电吸塑制品,防静电推车等塑胶五金制品的生产及销售,同时负责其他防静电产品的销售。 3、防静电无尘净化用品事业部:负责防静电工作服,防静电工作鞋,防静电手套,防静电手指套,无尘布,无尘纸,净化打印纸,工业擦拭纸,等其他无尘消耗品的销售。 Our company engages in producing,developing and distributing a broad line of static control and cleanroom products.Since the outset of establishing this company,we have been aiming to become a reputable and responsible supplier in this specific sphere of industry.Through several year\'s endeavour,we have set up very good relationship with many multi-national Hi-Tech companies. Along with the rapid growth of our company,our product line has been enlarging extensively.Now we have different departments to handle different products: 1、Conductive Flooring Department Responsible for coordination fo production,supplying and installation of confuctive floor. 2、Static Contol Department Responsible for coordination of production,supplyinof ESD tote box,foldable box ESD chair,ESD vacu-um-form sheet,also reponsible for the selling of other static control products 3、Cleanroom Supply Department Responsible for distributing Kimberly-Clark industrial wiper,supplying of cleanroom consumables.

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